photo ii

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I wish to be.....

Tear :
I want to be a tear,
To take birth in your eyes
To move on your checks,
To remind my love to you
Dream :
I want to be a dream,
To take birth in your mind,
To live in your imagination,
And to be a part of your heart,
Shadow :
I want to be a shadow,
To take birth in your loneliness,
To move with you in light,
And to make my life bright.
You :
I want to be you,
To stay in your heart
To live only for you,
And to die if you like.

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.

Continueous Struggle ( From:Hajira,my nice student)

Neither nature nor fortune
Man makes himself his tune
All the past,s hardlucks
Are the formal goodlucks
Be brave & be bold
Keep ur temper cold
Face the troubles
Break the hurdles
My friend, the hardships.....oh don,t care
U should just have a Determining dare
My promise ur goal is so near
So u should not need to fear
By the day &by the night
Work hard in struggle,s light
UR self confidence should never shaken
UR " trust" should never broken
U "shall" succeede
Just WILL is ur need

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.

This is one of my favorite images

This is some descriptive text.